1. Enter an address or place name in the 'Location Search'.
2. Left click and hold to drag the map view or use the plus and minus buttons in the upper left of the screen to zoom in/out of the map.
3. Left mouse click on the parcel of interest and a popup window will appear with the parcel information. Parcels will not display until zoomed in close enough.
4. Click on the 'CPA' and 'MPA' tabs in the popup window to see the areas that the given parcel intersects with.
5. To adjust the layers that are shown or the transparancy of the layers, click on the 'Table of Contents' area to expand the available layers. Note that layers denoted in gray are not visible at the current map scale.
6. In the parcel popup window click 'Generate Report' to have the report created. Once Created you can select 'View Report' to see the report.
* Zoom-in to make layers demoted in grey available
This geospatial information displayed on this website is not from a registered survey and cannot be used as a legal document. Field verification of all data is required for site-specific projects. Parcel data displayed on this website is a secondary representation and is not suitable for legal or recording purposed. Land ownership changes daily and the owners listed on this website must be verified with the local recording authorities. This website is not created under the supervision of a registered surveyor. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, but errors and conditions originating from physical sources used to develop the database may be reflected in the data supplied. The requester must be aware of data conditions and ultimately bear responsibility for the appropriate use of the information with respect to possible errors, original map scale, collection methodology, currency of data, and other conditions specific to certain data. The State of North Carolina makes no warranties as to the completeness and accuracy of the data presented. The accuracy and completeness of data on this website frequently depends on the data provider who make no warranties of their data. This Map Viewer is developed by NCDA&CS EP.