Data Descriptions
Site Index: The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area.
Site Index Base: The number in the National Register of Site Index Curves corresponding to the site index curve used to determine the site index and the annual productivity of forest overstory tree species. For more information
Productivity: The annual growth of forest overstory tree species. ft3/ac/yr CMAI
- Click on any table row to see that soils SIFP data.


The North Carolina Forest Site Index and Productivity (FSIP) Mapping page displays forest site index and productivity data as reported by the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Further Details

To get started, either use the search box or zoom into an area until you see the green lines denoting soil polygons and orange lines denoting land parcels. You may then click inside a land parcel or right click inside a soil polygon to see the forest site index and productivity data.

If you clicked on a land parcel, you will see a summary of each soil type in a table and the soil polygons that make up the parcel. From the table you can click on a soil type to display it's associated forest site index and productivity data. Note that all acreage is approximate as the soil polygons are only considered accurate to 1/10th of an acre. Selecting a soil polygon will display the forest site index and productivity data table to the right of the map.